Massage Therapy
What is Ashiatsu Massage
While working in the massage therapy industry for 6 years, I decided to explore other styles of massage that could benefit my clients. I found Ashiatsu! This is a beautiful style of bodywork that utilizes the bare feet to perform the massage. “Ashi’ means Foot, and “atsu” means pressure. Ashiatsu’s earliest sightings in history of […]
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Remember to Breathe
Did you know one of the simplest ways to relieve stress is simply breathing? Of course there is a way to do so to make it therapeutic. Here is a quick breathing exercise you can use anytime, anywhere to help you calm the nervous system, increase focus, and reduce stress: Sit comfortably with your back […]
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Massage Therapy
How I became a Massage Therapist
If you are curious by nature like I am, you are probably wondering about your Therapist’s history and how they came to be massage therapists. On my birthday, 20 years ago, my then boyfriend (now husband) wanted to take me out to Los Gatos to have lunch and visit some of the local shops. After […]
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Mindfulness Massage
So what is all this talk about the term “mindfulness?” In the yoga realm, mindfulness is a term that is used to focus on the present moment and on one’s breath. It is the concept of acknowledging your feelings, thoughts, and sensations in the present moment. This idea of “mindfulness” is not new. This concept […]
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Massage Therapy is back (almost)
I’ve been on hiatus with massage therapy due to surgery I had back in August, 2020. Now that I am able to do bodywork again, I am in search of a new location and will be updating asap! Stay tuned!
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