If you are curious by nature like I am, you are probably wondering about your Therapist’s history and how they came to be massage therapists. On my birthday, 20 years ago, my then boyfriend (now husband) wanted to take me out to Los Gatos to have lunch and visit some of the local shops. After lunch, we wandered over to the Spa of Los Gatos, CA for what I thought was just to pick up a spa menu for a later getaway. Instead, he gave them my name and they handed me a robe, and a woman asked me to go with her. I was a bit nervous since I had never actually had a spa treatment before and I was also 7 months pregnant with my first child. I actually wasn’t even sure what I was scheduled for, but my natural curiosity didn’t mind because it smelled heavenly like a mix of sage and lavender in the waiting area. She led me to a locker room where I parked all my belongings and exchanged my pregnancy clothing for a robe. I then entered the quiet area where I waited for my therapist to pick me up for my treatment. I remember sitting on a comfortable lounge chair, waiting for what happens next, while listening to the sound of classical music and an indoor water fountain trickling and adding to the calming ambience of my surroundings. Another woman approached me and asked me to follow her into a room and gave me direction on how to get on the table. I had had my first massage at 7 months pregnant and all my aches and pains had diminished. When my husband came to pick me up I felt like I floated my big buddha belly all the way home.
From then on I had always had massage therapy on my mind. I had no idea the power that bodywork could have in alleviating my physical ailments as well as the rebalance of emotions. That introduction brought me to explore more areas of alternative health. I explored yoga and learned the importance of breathwork. I then decided to take become certified in massage therapy classes in 2009. I graduated from the Myotherapy College of Utah and made a career of something I truly believed in. Helping one person at a time.
Through the years I explored many options of where to take my career. One of my favorite experiences was doing volunteer work for hospice patients. A lot of my clients were too frail to actually move from their beds or chairs, so I’d sit with them and do what I could. She was in her final days of losing a battle to lymphoma. The only thing I could offer her was hand and feet massages and my company. She was a registered nurse when she was younger. She worked at a time when women struggled with having the right to even hold a job. On my last visit with her, my client said something that I will never forget. She told me to never let go of your dreams and what I am capable of.. I have a gift. I had a feeling that was the last time I’d see her and that was certain when I went to reach out to her daughter who had told me she had passed shortly after.
So here I am at present day, and from all of my interactions with individuals from all over the world, I proudly say that I still truly love what I do!